Moving Day Checklist

Moving Checklist

You’ve found the perfect place, now it’s time to get your new life started! Hopefully, you have started slowly purchasing the essentials and have worked out how much money you need. It is possible to do it without too much stress. Follow this 6-week moving checklist so you go from “I’m moving out” to “I’m home!”.

Moving Checklist – 6 Weeks before you go

Print. Grab a folder and a hole punch and start printing out the checklists, and make notes for yourself. Don’t rely on doing everything on your phone. Embrace the satisfaction of striking a job off your list. Also, if you have a list and someone asks if they can help the answer is ‘Yes!’

Purge. Go through your stuff and work out what you do and don’t need to take with you. Clothes are the easiest thing to purge, if you haven’t used something in a couple of years – let it go. If the items are too good for the charity shops consider going to the local flea market or having a garage sale. You might not make a heap of money, but it’s better than nothing. Don’t just shove everything you own into a box. Pack smart so unpacking is easier.

Speak to your folks. You might have had enough of them and they have probably had enough of you. Leave on good terms. enjoy the experience together. Don’t be surprised if you return home and your room is now a Home Office / Yoga Retreat.

What can you take with you? If you didn’t buy the bed then don’t assume it’s yours to take. If you are moving out of your parent’s home and you take the bed without asking – that’s an added expense you are putting on them to replace it. You need to have a conversation and agree on what you can and can’t take.

What can you leave behind? If you want to leave some items behind – like your childhood toys/school books or things that you won’t have room for at your new place. Pack them into tubs and label them so they can be stored easily. Don’t leave junk lying around for your parents to clean up.

Ask friends for help on moving day. You might not think you have much to move – but it all adds up. Don’t try to do it all on your own. Having a couple of friends help you will decrease the number of trips you need to make and you won’t need to jam everything into your car. That mattress is not going to fit into your Hatchback. Cosy up to the friend with roof racks and get them to mark the date in their diary. A general rule of thumb is to buy anyone who helps you a carton of beer or a pizza as a thank you. It’s also nice to share the experience with someone else.

Make peace with your folks. You want to keep the door open in case your first venture out does not work out like you expected. Also, it’s nice to be able to go home for a meal and share stories.

Moving Checklist – 4 Weeks before

Packing supplies. Start gathering packing supplies. Boxes, packing paper, tape, marking pens etc. Ask around to see if anyone has boxes going for free / cheap. Don’t forget to utilise your suitcases, suitcases are best for transporting heaving items like books. Start packing items you aren’t using on a day to day basis like seasonal clothes. Keep a running list of what you are packing don’t rely on your memory.

Mail. Set up a free Parcel Locker with Australia Post. Have any important mail sent there. It’s likely you will have a couple of different rental property over the years and you can’t rely on the new lease holders to forward your mail.

Insurance. Car, Home and Health – do you have all of your documents?

Utilities. If you are taking over a lease you will need to arrange for the internet, electricity, water and gas services to be changed into your name. Start researching what companies offer the best deals and also find out if you might be out of these services for any length of time. Be prepared to have no internet for a couple of days after you have moved in.

Moving Checklist – 2 Weeks before

Confirm your friends can still help. Check that they haven’t forgotten or are no longer available to help you move.

Timing. Make sure you don’t have any major events taking place over the weekend that you are moving. Be kind to yourself moving in on a Saturday morning, going to a festival in the afternoon is not going to add to a stressless move. Aim to have a chilled out weekend – get your stuff organised and enjoy the freedom.

Moving Checklist – 1 Week before

Touch base with your Parents. Have a meal with your folks and let them know how things are going. Moving out is an emotional time for everyone. Work out a plan of when they can come over to see your new place and arrange a time for you to have dinner together or call once a month, at least.

Moving Checklist – The day before

Pick up the keys. Do a final inspection of your new place, before moving anything in. Take a heap of photos so you have a record of any damage or marks on walls, floors etc.

Make a sketch. Map out where things will go, so anyone helping will know where to place big items.

Pack an overnight bag. Pack your essential items in an overnight bag – think of it as packing for an overnight getaway. You don’t need everything – just the basics. These include:

  • Passport;
  • Medication;
  • Phone charger;
  • Toilet paper;
  • Sleepwear;
  • Clothes for the next day;
  • Facewash; and
  • Toothbrush and toothpaste.

Moving Checklist – Moving Day

Clean. Yup, you need to make sure your new space AND your old space are clean. Skipping this bit could be your downfall to a harmonious move. Wipe down surfaces, vacuum and mop floors.

Make your bed. As soon as your bed is in place make the bed. You are going want to enjoy your first night of independence with a good night’s sleep.

Toilet Paper. Make sure you have loo roll. This is a time when you don’t want surprises!

Start unpacking. Don’t leave boxes unpacked – you are just going to cause chaos for your future self. And keep those boxes – this might not be your forever home…

You’ve got this!