The Essentials Laundry 2

Laundry Essentials

Don’t overlook the laundry essentials. No one will deny that doing laundry is a chore. If you have the right bits and bobs at hand it will become less frustrating and just something that you just do.

Knowing the basic essentials and how to handle fabrics will save you a lot of money and embarrassment.


Stain Remover

Some stains like blood will ‘set’ on fabric if it is washed in hot water, if you get blood on a garment rinse it in cold water as soon as possible.

Napisan is great at all round stain remover, it not only gets stains out and freshens up your clothes, it can bring whites back to life. Read the instructions and patch test!

Drying Clothes

Using the dryer can shorten the life span of your clothes. Anything with elastic (underwear) or lyrca (gym kit) is not going to last very long as the heat will break down the materials.

Put shirts on hangers straight out of the washing machine and hang them on the line. Once they are dried you can easily pop them in your wardrobe.

To avoid musty smelling clothes don’t put them away until they have dried properly.

Dry Cleaning

When buying clothes, look at the label, if it is dry clean only then that is going to be an extra cost to you – make sure it is in your budget.

It is fine to have a few items like suits and evening outfits that are dry clean only, but not your everyday wear. Aside from the expense – the chemicals aren’t great for you.

When you bring home items that have been dry cleaned – don’t leave clothes in the plastic them come in, unwrap and let them air. The chemicals from dry cleaning are toxic.


If you are planning to wear crisp business shirts to work – you need to know your way around an iron, ironing board and fabric sprays. A good quality iron is going to make the job a lot easier. You don’t have to splurge on an expensive ironing board but the cover and padding should be of a good quality.


Fabric steamers are fantastic for light fabrics. A good steamer will heat up quickly and won’t spit hot water on your clothes or your skin. Invest in distilled water (available from the Supermarket) rather than tap water. Tap water can cause calcium build up and this can cause the steamer to spit.

You must must check the garment labels as the hot steam can destroy delicate fabric in seconds.

Storing clothes

Whether you hang your clothes in the closet or fold them in drawers they need to be bug free. Moths and silverfish just love fabric and it seems the more expensive or loved your item the more they want to fill them with holes.

Clothes that have been stored for a while tend to have a musty odour – make sure you do the ‘sniff’ test before you walk out the door.

How to sew

Learn how to sew a button, take up a hem and repair a tear. Have a simple hand sewing kit and knowing how to thread needle and cotton is a basic life skill. Don’t staple or use sticky tape to fix a hem – you don’t think anyone will notice – but they do.


You need less than on the packaging. Use two thirds of the recommended measure. Too much detergent can make your clothes smell of powder. Add the detergent to the water and let it dissolve before you add your clothes so you don’t end up with white residue all over your freshly washed clothes.

Body Odour

Some fabrics trap body odour and normal washing just won’t remove the smell. Sunlight can do wonders.

 Things you want to avoid:

  • Over use of detergent – if you smell of washing powder people will step away from you;
  • BO as in Body Odour – we all sweat but if you are not washing your shirts regularly that smell is not going to go away;
  • Stain remover –  be aware of what type of stains need cold/hot water and which ones that need chemicals; and
  • Under dried clothes – that musty smell is nobody’s friend.

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