3 Money Tips

3 Money Tips

Hopefully these 3 money tips will help you to focus on what is really important – living your best life.

Money Tip #1 – Always live below your means

Once you have worked out your budget you will know how much you can spend on ‘stuff’. Stop thinking about wanting everything now! Wait until you have saved up the money to make your purchases rather than using credit cards or Afterpay. Don’t get sucked in when something you want goes on sale or you get offered a $20 discount if you make the purchase straight away. These are marketing ploys to get you to spend money before you are ready.

There will always be sales. Be patient and wait until you can afford items.

Money Tip #2 – Take care of your possessions

Living within your means does not mean you have to live badly or go without the nice things in life. You are just prioritising what you are spending your money on. It also means you are more likely to take care of your possessions once you understand their value.

Calculating how many hours it will take you to earn the money to buy ‘stuff’ is going to make you want to buy the best quality you can afford and look after your ‘stuff’ so it lasts as long as possible.

Money Tip # 3 – Surround yourself with like-minded people

If you keep company with people who seem to have an endless source of disposable income, it’s quite possible they are living on credit. You want to avoid that trap. Be very careful with the friends who offer to buy you things or shout you dinner. They may become the ones who ask you for a loan because they can’t make the repayments on their credit card bill or car repayments. We are not saying you can’t be friends but you need to make sure you are not putting yourself in a Keep Up with the Joneses situation.

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