Telling Your Parents You Are Moving Out - Tips

Telling Your Parents You Are Moving Out

Once you have decided to move out rather than announcing that you are moving out after an argument or just disappearing one day, have an adult to adult conversation with your parents to let them know you are moving out.

Even though you will always be their little darling – you need to demonstrate that you are ready to step out on your own.

Share your plan

Share your plan with your parents so they know you have done your research, you know what to expect financially and are ready. This is important as they may be anxious not only for you but for the money they may have to outlay if you can’t pay the rent, afford food, get into debt and come begging them for money.

Give them a time

Set a target date and let them know when you are planning on moving. If you are wishy-washy about this you might find them measuring up your room for their new yoga studio/home office while you are sleeping. You have been the centre of their attention for a long time, now it’s time they focus on the next phase of their lives. They most likely will be sad to see you go and excited about your new adventure. Be sensitive to their emotions.

Get of the Mum and Dad Payroll

The sooner you start paying your own way, the less power they have to tell you what to do. Sounds harsh? Watch this YouTube Video from Gary Vaynerchuck – it makes a lot of sense. You need to start living your life, not the life they want you to lead.

Let them help

Your parents love you and you love them. You don’t have to cut your parents out of your life completely. They have been looking after you your whole life if they want to give you a hand moving or cook some meals for your freezer accept with gratitude.

If you let them pay your rent, they’ll probably want a key and will drop around whenever they like. It’s your choice.

If you do borrow money from your parents, have a plan to pay the money back – and stick to it.

Better to be owing to the bank of Mum and Dad than a big bank who does not care if you can’t afford this month’s repayment because you need to buy a washing machine.

Agree on what you can take with you

Don’t assume you can take your bed with you. Whatever you take with you they will need to replace, so don’t just assume you can take whatever you want. Also talk about what you can leave behind if you don’t have room at your new place for the drum kit, 10 surfboards and gym equipment ask if it’s okay to leave it with them. They may have been planning for you to move out for a while and may have changes they want to make in this new phase of their lives.

Leave your space clean

Even though you are excited about the big move and anxious to set up your new home – don’t leave your old space in a mess. Doing a quick vacuum and taking out the trash is easy to do. Keep in mind, regardless of how much you have planned, you might need to come back home one day.

Lastly, Keep in Touch

Have a plan in place to catch up regularly so they can hear how you are going and you can check in on them too. Invite them around and show off your cooking skills with this Beef Ragu Sauce or set a night during the week for you to call. Don’t just get in contact when you want something from them.

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